win2pdfd.exe html2pdf "sourcehtml" "destpdf"
win2pdfd.exe html2pdf "sourcehtml" "destpdf" "papersize"
win2pdfd.exe html2pdf "sourcehtml" "destpdf" "papersize" timeout
win2pdfd.exe html2pdf "sourcehtml" "destpdf" "papersize" timeout marginleft margintop marginright marginbottom
win2pdfd.exe html2pdf "sourcehtml" "destpdf" "papersize" timeout marginleft margintop marginright marginbottom "headertemplate" "footertemplate"
Convert the HTML file or web page specified by "sourcehtml" to a PDF file named "destpdf".
If the "papersize" is specified, it can be one of:
letter |
letter-landscape |
legal |
legal-landscape |
tabloid |
tabloid-landscape |
A2 |
A2-landscape |
A3 |
A3-landscape |
A4 |
A4-landscape |
A5 |
A5-landscape |
CSheet |
CSheet-landscape |
DSheet |
DSheet-landscape |
ESheet |
ESheet-landscape |
The "-landscape" papersize variations change the orientation to landscape.
Any file names that contain spaces must be enclosed with quotation marks.
The optional "timeout" parameter is specified in milliseconds. If no timeout is specified, the default is 30000 (30 seconds).
The optional "marginleft", "margintop", "marginright", and "marginbottom" parameters are specified in points (1/72 inch). If no margin is specified, 0 margins are used.
The optional "headertemplate" and "footertemplate" parameters specify a HTML file to be rendered in the header or footer of the PDF. To specify only a header or footer, set the other parameter to an empty string "".
When creating the PDF, the following classes can be used to render information into the PDF:
•date (formatted creation date).
•title (document title).
•url (document location).
•pageNumber (current page number)
•totalPages (total pages in the document)
Images can be included in the header or footer template if they are encoded as data URIs.
For example, placing the following HTML in a file and referencing it as the "footertemplate" parameter will put the URL and page number at the bottom of each page in the converted PDF:
<div style='font-size:10px;padding-left:10px;'>
<span class='url'></span>
<div>Page <span class='pageNumber'></span> of <span class='totalPages'></span></div>
Any file names that contain spaces must be enclosed with quotation marks. The "sourcehtml" can be a local file path, or an web address (URL) to an existing HTML file.
This feature requires a licensed version of Win2PDF. Contact us for a time limited evaluation license.
Returns 0 on success, and a Windows system error code on failure.